la iglesia cristiana
apostolica procede desde los apostoles por lo tanto tiene sucecionapstolica legitima
aceptamos los 7 primeros concilios de la iglesia los cuales son ecumenicos
creemos jesuscristo comocentro de nuestra vida
creemos en el magiterio dela iglesia
respetamos y creemos en el obispo de roma lo aceptamos, reconocemos y respetamos
respetamos a toda iglesia catolica al igual la nuestra debe ser respetada
por las demas iglesias no somos insidencias
somos una de tradicion oriental rito ortodoxo
caldea atocephalous.
tendremos cuatro frentes deacionbasicos sin contar con otros adicionales que se den en el caminar dela iglesia y con el tiempo.
los cuales son religiosa
en lo religioso abadias
comunidades, diocesis
casas hogares etc.
Christian church
apostolica comes from the apostles therefore has legitimate sucecionapstolica
We accept the first 7 church councils which are ecumenical
We believe Jesus Christ our life as Centro
we believe in the church dela magiterio
respect and believe in the Bishop of Rome we accept, recognize and respect
respect to any Catholic Church like ours should be respected
for the other churches we are not insidencias
we are one of Eastern Orthodox rite tradition
Chaldean atocephalous.
deacionbasicos have four fronts without additional that occur in walking dela church and over time.
which they are religious
religiously abbeys
communities, diocesis
orphanages etc.
apostolica comes from the apostles therefore has legitimate sucecionapstolica
We accept the first 7 church councils which are ecumenical
We believe Jesus Christ our life as Centro
we believe in the church dela magiterio
respect and believe in the Bishop of Rome we accept, recognize and respect
respect to any Catholic Church like ours should be respected
for the other churches we are not insidencias
we are one of Eastern Orthodox rite tradition
Chaldean atocephalous.
deacionbasicos have four fronts without additional that occur in walking dela church and over time.
which they are religious
religiously abbeys
communities, diocesis
orphanages etc.
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