METROPOLITAN ARCHBISHOP of the holy -Apostolic- church of the east in brazil ( the chaldean Autocephalus church of the east.
mont reverent father in god:
for the middle of the present, I, OBISPO WALTER ALBERTO HERNANDEZ ESTRADA, RESPONSABLE formar la comunidades parroquiales em medellin, in the name of the father, and god of the son,
and holy spirit for ever,after much prayer ,and the name of all the clergy:
1. submit obediencia to the his eminence, the metropolitan Archbishop of the holy Apostolic- catolic church of the east in brazil, and the holy synod metropolitan:
2.adopt the eucaristic prayer of the holy Apostolic - catolic church of the east in brazil and paticular the anaphora of mar Addai & MAR MARI approved and santioned by the holy sinod metropolitan:
3. Accept the trinitarian teology and critological formula of the East:
4. Adopt and accept the seven sacraments as enumerated by the church of the east;
5 Accept all other liturgies and rites of the holy Apostolic-catholic church of the East in brazil.
- Believing it to be the holy will of the god almighty and our lord, god and saviord jesus christ our
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